Prominent cairns or standing stones


A cairn on distant Brown Gelly appears from behind the terminal stone at East Moor stone row on Bodmin Moor

Prominent cairns and standing stones are often visible from stone rows. At least 142 stone rows are know where these types of archaeology can be seen from rows.  Clearly it is not possible to be certain that the rows were built at a time when these features were already in existence or that they were built at the same time or appeared in the landscape some time after the rows had already been abandoned. The balance of probability is however that in many instances the rows, cairns and standing stones formed part of a complex and inter-related landscape being slowly developed within a social and ritual framework. The elements that survive illustrate the sophisitication of the cultures that created them and represent the earliest attempts by people to impose themselves on their world.

A nearby cairn is visible from Afon Hyddgen stone row

Airigh Na Gaoithe stone row is visible from Barpa Langass chambered cairn

White Raise Cairn appears on the skyline at Askham Fell Cairn stone row

White Raise Cairn appears on the skyline at Askham Fell stone row 

Prior to afforestation the cairns at Fernworthy were visible from Assycombe stone row

Silbury Hill from Avebury Z feature

A number of broadly contemporary sites are visible from Ballymeanoch stone row.

A large number of cairns are visible from the Bancbryn stone row

The Whiteleen stone pair from Battle Moss, Loch Of Yarrows

A large number of barrows are visible from the Beckhampton Avenue

Cairns and several stone rows are visible from the Black Tor Stanlake stone row

⊗  A large number of barrows are visible from the site of the Bray Common stone row.

Corringdon Ball chambered cairn on the skyline at Brent Fore Hill stone row

Ring of Brodgar from Brodgar Farm stone row.

⊗  Stone circles and cairns are visible from Broomrigg A stone row.

Chambered cairns and stone rows are visible from Broughwhin stone row

Chambered cairns and stone rows are visible from Broughwhin Loch stone row

Cairns on Butterdon Hill visible on the skyline from Burford Down stone row

Cairns on Butterdon Hill from Butterbrook 1 and 2

Cairns on Butterdon Hill visible from Butterdon East stone row

A large number of cairns are visible from the Butterdon Hill stone row

⊗  Cairns and a standing stone stone are visible from Buwch a’r Llo stone row.

⊗  A standing stone and barrow were visible from Cae Garreg stone row.

Stone circles and stone rows at Callanish visible from Callanish 5 stone row

Stone circles and stone rows visible from Callanish West stone row

Callanish 3 stone circle from Callanish, East stone row

Stone circles and stone rows visible from Callanish, North stone row

Callanish 2 stone circle from Callanish, South stone row

Chambered cairns are visible from the Camster stone row.

Cairns on Brown Gelly visible from Cardinham Moor/Colvannick Tor row

Cairns on Brown Gelly visible from Carneglos row

Cairns visible from the Carreg Llwyd stone row.

Stone circle visible from Cefn Gwernffrwd Row I

Cairn visible from Cefn Gwernffrwd Row II

Maen Mawr stone row from Cerrig Duon stone row

Cairn on Hangingstone Hill is visible from the southern length of Challacombe Down stone row

Chambered cairns are visible from Clash-an-dam stone row

Cairns on the skyline at Commondale Moor stone row

The Corringdon Ball chambered is visible on the skyline from both Corringdon Ball, North and Corringdon Ball, South

Standing stones and a row are visible from Court 1 stone row

Court 1 and a standing stone are visible from Court 2 stone row

Brown Gelly cairns from Craddock Moor stone row

Long cairn on the skyline from Creag Bhreac Mhor stone row

Giant’s Basin and several other cairns are visible from Drizzlecombe 1, Drizzlecombe 2 and Drizzlecombe 3

Stone pair from Dunamuck N stone row

Brown Gelly cairn from East Moor stone row

Cairns visible from Eyre Alignment

Fernworthy stone circle and cairns are visible from Fernworthy 1, Fernworthy 2 and Fernworthy 3

⊗  Cairns and stone rows are visible from Furzehill Common 2.

⊗  Cairns and stone rows are visible from Furzehill Common 3.

⊗  Cairn O’Get is visible from Garrywhin stone row.

The Callanish stone rows are clearly visible from Garynahine, Cnoc Fillibhir Mhor stone row

Several skyline cairns are visible at Glasscombe Ball North stone row

Several skyline cairns are visible at Glasscombe Corner stone row

Cairn at Glenamachrie stone row

⊗  Cairn O’Get chambered cairn is visible from Groat’s Loch, North (Broughwhin III).

Cairn Hanach is visible from Groat’s Loch, South

Cairns and stone rows are visible from Hart Tor, North stone row

Cairns and stone rows are visible from Hart Tor, South stone row

Sky line cairn from High Bride Stones

⊗  Distant skyline cairns are visible from Holne Moor stone row.

⊗  Distant skyline cairns are visible from Holne Ridge North stone row.

⊗  Cairns and ans a stone row are visible from Hook Lake stone row.

Distant cairns are visible from Hurston Ridge stone row

Barrow on the skyline at Kenidjack Common stone row

Stone circle and stone row is visible from Lacra NE stone row

Stone circle and stone row is visible from Lacra SW stone row

Distant cairns are visible from Laughter Tor 1 and 2

A stone circle, standing stone and cairns are visible from Learable Hill, Row 1

A stone circle, standing stone and cairns are visible from Learable Hill, Row 2

Standing stone visible on skyline from Learable Hill, Row 3

Standing stone and cairns visible on skyline from Learable Hill, Row 4

Cairns and stone rows at Hart Tor are at limit of visibility from Leeden Tor stone row

Cairn on skyline from Leskernick Hill Row

Brown Gelly cairns visible from western end of Leskernick Hill Row

A nearby kerbed cairn is visible from the Loch Buie stone row

Several barrows at Five Burrows are visible on the skyline from Longstone Barrow stone row

⊗  Several barrows would have been visible from the Mattocks Down stone row.

Other stone rows, cairns and a stone circle are visible from Merrivale 1

Other stone rows, cairns and a stone circle are visible from Merrivale 2

Other stone rows, cairns and a stone circle are visible from Merrivale 3

Other stone rows, cairns and a stone circle are visible from Merrivale 4

Other stone rows, cairns and a stone circle are visible from Merrivale 5

Other stone rows, cairns and a stone circle are visible from Merrivale 6

Brown Gelly cairns are clearly visible from Minions stone row

Several skyline cairns from Nine Maidens Stone Row

Cairns on the skyline at North Ings stone row

Five Barrows on the skyline at North Regis Common stone row

A large number of skyline cairns are visible at Penn Beacon South stone row

A large number of skyline cairns are visible at Penn Beacon SW stone row

A large number of skyline cairns are visible at Piles Hill stone row

The nearby stone circle would have originally been visible from Porlock Common SW stone row

A number of standing stones and a cairn are visible from Rhos Hafotty Carneddau stone row

A number of standing stones and cairns would have originally been visible from Rhos y Gelynen stone row

Several cairns are visible from Ringmoor Down stone row

A nearby stone circle is visible from S46 Scarista stone row

Skyline cairns on Brown Gelly are visible from Searle’s Down stone row

Skellaw Hill barrow is visible from Shap stone row

Distant skyline cairns are visible from Sharpitor NW 1 stone row

Distant skyline cairns are visible from Sharpitor NW 2 stone row

⊗  Cairns would have been visible from Sherberton Common stone row.

Distant skyline cairns are visible at Sherberton stone row

Other stone rows, cairns and stone circles are visible from Shoveldown 1

Other stone rows, cairns and stone circles are visible from Shoveldown 2

Other stone rows, cairns and stone circles are visible from Shoveldown 3

Other stone rows, cairns and a stone circle are visible from Shoveldown 4

Other stone rows, cairns and a stone circle are visible from Shoveldown 5

Other stone rows, cairns and a stone circle are visible from Shoveldown 6

Cairn visible on near skyline from Simon Howe stone row

⊗  Several cairns were visible from Soussons Down stone row

Several skyline cairns are visible from Spurrell’s Cross stone row

Several skyline cairns are visible at Stalldown stone row

Cairns on Butterdon Hill from Stalldown South East stone row

A nearby stone circle appears on the skyline from the lower end of Stannon stone row

Stone circles, standing stones and another row are visible from Stanton Drew North stone row

Stone circles, standing stones and another row are visible from Stanton Drew South stone row

⊗  Prior to afforestation Blackpark stone circle would have been visible from Stravanan Bay stone row.

At least one cairn is visible from The Kirk stone row

Cairns on Brown Gelly from Tolborough Tor stone row

A stone circle and cairns are visible from Torhousekie, East stone row

Cairns and Torhousekie East stone row are visible from Torhousekie, Stone Circle stone row

⊗  A number of cairns would have been visible from Treeland Brake stone row.

Brown Gelly cairns are visible from the upper end of Trehudreth Downs stone row

Cairns and nearby stone row are visible from Trowlesworthy 1 stone row

Ring cairn visible from Trowlesworthy 2 stone row

Hillson’s House cairn and Stalldown stone row appear on the skyline at southern end of Upper Erme stone row

⊗  Cairn O’Get chambered cairn is visible from Watenan Farm stone row

Whiteleen stone pair appear on the skyline at Watenan, West stone row

Warehouse Hill chambered cairns appear on the skyline at the northern end of Watenan, West stone row

Barrows on the skyline at West Kennet Avenue

Setta Barrow and Bray Common barrow from White Ladder stone row

Corndon Down cairns are visible from the upper length of White Ridge stone row

⊗  Corndon Down cairns are visible from Yar Tor stone row

⊗  Distant views of Five Burrows barrows from Yelland stone row

Cairns are visible from Yellowmead Down stone row

 Stone Rows in their landscape

FIRST PUBLISHED:- 3rd March 2019
LAST UPDATED:- 6th March 2019