Hwylfa’r Ceirw

Hwylfa'r Ceirw

Copyright: Paul Blades. Original available at Megalithic Portal.


Wales Conwy Rest of Wales SH 76538 84044
Lat 53.338845   Long -3.855737

♦ An informative Bing Maps Aerial Photograph is available here and worth having a look at. ♦


Plan of the alleged Hwylfa’r Ceirw stone row (Source: Bing Maps). 

The context of the stones forming the alleged stone row strongly suggests that this feature is a constituent part of the field system in this area. The most likely explanation is that it is a track providing access through the fields. The presence of ridge and furrow (R&F) indicates that much if not all of this field system is of historic date.  Transcription from Bing Maps aerial photograph.


Type: Probably a track Length: 100m
No. of stones: 39 Size of stones: Small and medium
Orientation: 25° Altitude: 116m
Upper end: – Lower end: –
Straight (Yes or No)  : Sea View: Yes
Context:  Prehistoric field system

Notes: Number of stones estimated from photographs. Probably more. The position, character, form and context of this site suggests that it is unlikely to be a prehistoric stone row. Although scheduled as an Ancient Monument, Cadw officers have confirmed that they too are not entirely convinced of the prehistoric row interpretation. On balance the evidence currently supports the idea that this is a track leading through a field system. It is probably of historic date, although examples of this type of feature are known from the Bronze Age (eg. Kestor on Dartmoor). Future fieldwork may resolve the matter but for the moment this feature should be considered as an unlikely stone row.


Other Information

Public Access:  Yes
Land Status:
Scheduled Ancient Monument: CN132

Online Resources 

Megalithic Portal     Modern Antiquarian     Coflein     Archwilio

Other References

Burl, A., 1993, From Carnac to Callanish – The prehistoric rows and avenues of Britain, Ireland and Brittany, Yale University Press, New York and London, pg. 225.